Wednesday, May 25, 2011

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1.) List a few of the gases which lead to acid rain.
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides

2.) What is the source of much of the acid rain producing gases in Pennsylvania?
30 percent of the nitrogen oxides causing acid rain come from production. Automobiles give 30 percent and the agricultural sector contributes an additional 25 to 30 percent.

3.) Briefly explain how acid rain forms.
Acid rain forms when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere combine with water to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These acids, mixed with rainwater, fall as acid rain.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What are some natural factors causing mudslides in Guatemala?
frequent earthquakes, hurricanes and heavy rains oversaturate Guatemala's mountainous terrain and muddy the soil.

What are some human factors causing mudslides in Guatemala?
They cut down the trees for fields for farming. Now that the trees are not there to hold the earth together the land is sliding.

What is being done to help reduce mudslides and mudslide damage?
They're going to replant trees. With pine trees the roots spread around 6-7 meters

Monday, January 31, 2011


What is the horizontal scale of your graph?
It goes by 50 years starting at 1800-2000 and Millions of metric tons of Carbon from 0-7000 per year.

How many years does it show?

What is the vertical axis showing?
Millions of metric tons of Carbon from 0-7000 per year.

What are the units?
Metric tons

What is the total range shown?

Can you tell from the picture's host page where the data came from? If so, where?
No, you cant

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

question 4 page 266

The amount of rainfall affects it because the more rainfall the better kept the soil is, the less rain fall the more desert and sand there is. Also up in the northeast there is more rain and snow which is more water and rain to feed the soil and keep it fresh. But in the south-southwest there is only rain to keep the soil fresh, and with the amount of sun it gets being closer to the equator than the north it keeps the south dryer than the north.
1 - What do you think the global average temperature is?  This means the average for everywhere on Earth, day and night, for an entire year.  Explain why you answered what you did.
about 55 degrees. i looked it up.

2 - People are often talking about "global warming."  How much do you think the average global temperature has increased in the past 100 years?  Do you think that this is a lot?
i think that the average global temperature has increased by at least by 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years

3 - What do you think is the hottest the Earth has ever been? (since there has been an atmosphere?)  How about the coldest the Earth has ever been?  Explain why you answered what you did.
it has been 5000 degrees when meteors crashed into it

4 - Are you concerned about "global warming?"  Why or why not?
no. because we live on the coast

Monday, December 20, 2010


Mass movement is the down slope movement of earth materials under the influence of gravity.


Mass movement is the down slope movement of earth materials under the influence of gravity.